38 taking members of the Valuation Committee from the people at large and the question was decided in the negative by yeas & nays as follows to wit Yeas 72. Nays 72 & so the proposed amendment was not adopted. and the report having been amended on motion by Mr. Shapleigh of Berwick - a further amendment was moved by Mr. Herrick by inserting after the words " other Counties" the words to be designated by the delegation for their respective Counties & reported to the House - & the question on adopting Mr Herrick's amendment was decided by yeas & nays as follows Yeas 74, Nays 63. And the report in new Draft as so amended was accepted and the question on accepting the same was taken by yeas & nays as follows Yeas 77 Nays 59. (for above yeas & nays see pages 380, 385, 389) Resolve to aid in the publication of a General History of Maine came from the Senate for concurrence referred to the Committee on Literary Institutions & the House concurred.
Report on Petition of Thomas Smiley & accompanying papers (came from ) the Senate for concurrence referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns. Report & order of notice on the Petition of George Lermond & others came from the Senate for concurrence referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns & the House concurred. Petition of Inhabitants of Industry for their proportion of Representation was read & referred to the Committee on apportionment of Representatives. Sent up for