INDEX A Assistant Secretary (Parris Virgil D.) appointed 4. Academies " Alfred, Petition of Trustees, for aid 34. " ", Resolve in favor of " St Albans, petition for one at 62.99. " Foxcroft, petition of Trustees for aid 87"99 " Monmouth, petition of trustees 94.125. " Anson, Resolve in aid of 163.169.225. " Newport, an act to incorporate 214.233. " Titcomb Belgrade, act to incorporate " " Resolve in favor of 288.301. Adjutant General, Report of, ordered to be printed 157. Amherst, Town of, incorporated Adjournment, orders relating to, Absence, leave of 76.282. Attachment of property, additional act relating to Accounts, committee on, appointed 25. " Roll of No. 12 and Resolves thereon 287.299. Acts and Resolves, Titles of (appendix) 37. Agriculture, committee on, appointed 24. " An act for the encouragement of 80.210.260.