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Corea,Maine., Oct.8th-4I.

Dear Mrs.JacobsMaine State Library, ~ Augusta,Maine;Assuming that you are still connected# with the state Lilmrary 1 I write to ask you if the library has• copy of the book called the "Port of New York" by Paul Rosenfeld of N.Y.--the book is quite some time since out of print,the sevral copies I have acquired are in pEJrfect 1## condition,and there is a long and florid chapter on myself,with a superb photo portrait of me by Alfred Stieglitz, a copy of an original of which is registered in the print dept •. of the Boston Museum,and one also in the print #IJHA' dept. of the Metropolitan Museum of New York,and which Mr.Stieglitz sonsiders as th best portrait he ever took of anyone,and that is saying a great deal. If the library does not have this book,I shall be glad to present a copy of it,but I need first to know if it has a copy,as I do not want to give out my few copies in the wrong spots., Do let me know about this,as I want to get the matter done with, and will also write to the Lewiston Library,to see if they have it; There is a two-man show of myself and Stuart Davis coming off at the Museum of M~ern Art in Cincinna.ti,a.my day now for a month," and I will send you a CO'PY of the catalogue,for the narchivestt. Very Sincerely yours,