House of Representatives Saturday January 5, 1833. Met according to adjournment Ordered that John Wellington and Enoch Farnham each claiming a seat in this House from the town of Albion be suspended from their seats until the House otherwise orders. An order came from the Senate appointing on their part the Joint Standing Committee as follows, and the House on their part joined them as follows On the Judiciary Messrs. Boutelle, WIlliamson, Cogswell of the Senate. Messrs. Dane of Kennebunk, McCrate " Nobleboro', Washburn " Livermore, Cilley " Thomaston, Pierce " Portland of the House. On Literary Institutions Messrs. Hunton, Keith, Cogswell of the Senate Messrs. Pierce of Gorham, Emmon " Augusta, Chase " Calais, Parris " Buckfield, Dumont " Hallowell - of the House. On Banks and Banking Messrs. Cogswell, McLellan, Emerson of the Senate. Messrs. Lord of Berwick, Magoun " Bath, Clapp " Portland, Dunlap " Brunswick, Webster " Belfast of the House