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Friday January 21, 1831.

[Report on the pet. of William D. Williamson] Mr. Dole from the committee on Literary Institutions, reported reference to the next Legislature, on the memorial of William D. Williamson, which on motion was ordered to lie on the table.

[Order] Order from the House of Representatives, instructing the Committee on the Judiciary, to enquire into the expediency of so far altering the Act to provide for education of youth, passed March 15, 1821, as to define with particularity what branches school masters shall be competent to teach in primary schools, read and passed in concurrence.

[Order.] Order from the House of Representatives, instructing the Committee on the State valuation to report to this House, as soon as may be, whether an enlargement of said Committee will tend to faciliate [facilitate] its progress, or whether clerks may be usefully employed, read and amended, by striking out the words 'this House" and inserting in lieu thereof "the Legislature" passed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.

[Order.] Order from the House of Representatives, requesting the Secretary of State to communicate to the Legislature a statement of the expenditures made by this State for roads and bridges, and the several quantities of land appropriated therefor, specifying the several works, where located, the quantity of land appropriated for each, and the sums of money expended on each, read and passed in concurrence.

[Bill refered.]

On motion of Mr. Megquier, the Act additional to an Act directing the method of laying out