Mr Eastman, from the committee on Interior Fisheries, reported an order of notice on petition of Dean Skinner and others, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence.
A communication was received from Mark Harris signifying his acceptance of the office of State Treasurer, read and referred to the committee, who have under consideration the Treasurer's account. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve on petition of John Jefferies was read once and passed to be engrossed, in concurrence.
Mr Megquier, from the Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred the Governour's message of January 23d, 1832, in relation to the Massachusetts claim, made a report, accompanied by certain Resolves, which was read and laid on the table, and ordered that three hundred copies be printed for the use of the Legislature.
Resolve in favour of Reuben Murch Resolve providing for the erection of a Monument over the remains of Enoch Lincoln. Bill to in incorporate the Saco River Bank, were severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed.