258 The same Gentleman from the committee on Agriculture, reported leave to withdraw on petition of Winthrop Agricultural Society, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Resolve in favour of Charles Harding reported by the committee on State Lands was read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Resolve in favour of John Baker was read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed, Sent down for concurrence. Mr. Hunton from the committee on Literary Institutions, reported that legislation is inexpedient on an order relating to apparatus for school Districts, and also on an order relating to school Committees, severally read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Resolve extending the time of making a highway in Waldo county, laid on the table by Mr. Thayer, was read once and tomorrow at ten o'clock, assigned for a second reading and the same was committed to Messrs. Thayer, Scammon, and Eastman. Resolve relating to a demand against Joseph Southwick, reported by the committee on State Lands was read once and committed to Messrs. Boutelle, Megquier and Goodwin. Resolve authorizing the sale to actual settlers of certain Indian Lands was read a