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163 The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly engrossed Bill additional to incorporate the Commercial Bank - to change the name of the town of Hampden - respecting the qualification of voters in town affairs - to annex a part pf the town of Freeman to New Portland - for the preservation of the Piscataquis Union Bridge - to incorporate the Hallowell Granite Company - to incorporate the Parsonsfield Seminary which were severally passed to be enacted - sent up. The same Committee reported as duly engrossed Resolve respecting land on the Isle of Holt - in favor of Israel Davis and Jacob M. Russell -respecting building Mills in Township Number Eight which were severally finally passed -sent up. Resolve respecting the pay of Members was taken up and indefinitely postponed - sent up for concurrence. Bill respecting the anchoring of vessels on the Fishing grounds near the Mannanas and Monhegan Islands was taken up and Monday next assigned for a further consideration thereof Report on Petition of Edward Howe - granting on Order of Notice came from the Senate accepted for concurrence, and the House concurred - sent up. Report on petitions of Inhabitants of Farmington and others for a new county referring the same to the next Legislature - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up. Resolve for the benefit of the town of Burnham was read a second time and Thursday next assigned for a further consideration thereof