164 the Committee on Contested Elections to whom was recommitted the cases of John Manchester Jr and Jacob Somes - Reported a statement of facts and submitted the following Resolve State of Maine Resolved, that John Manchester Jr is entitled to a seat in this House as a representatives from the District composed of Mt. Desert, Cranberry Isles &c in the county of Hancock - which report and Resolve were ordered to lie on the table and 300 copies thereof be printed for the use of the members - and Thursday next at ten o'clock assigned for the further consideration thereof. The same committee to whom was recommitted the former report on the Remonstrance of W. J. Farley & others against the right of Jona Cilley to hold a seat in this House - Reported a statement of facts and submitted the following Resolve State of Maine Resolved, that Jonathan Cilley, is not entitled to hold a seat as Representative in this House which Report and Resolve were ordered to lie on the table and 300 copies thereof be printed for the use of the members and Tuesday next assigned for a further consideration thereof. Bill for the relief of John Wood - to incorporate the proprietors of Island Wharf - to incorporate the Penobscot Stage Company were severally read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate sent up. Resolve respecting the Records of the Commissioners under the Act of Separation &c was read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.