65 Tuesday January 17. 1832
Met according to adjournment
The House assigned tomorrow at 10 o'clock for the second reading of a Resolve requiring the Cashiers of Banks to make returns of the names of Stockholders and the amount of Stock owned by them
A Communication was received from the Clerk of the Courts in the County of Kennebec in compliance with an order of the 9th. instant, which was read and referred to the Select Committee of this House who have that subject under consideration.
The Report of the Joint Select Committee to whom was referred so much of the Governors Messages as relates to the Northeastern Boundary of the State came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred.
Resolves respecting the Northeastern Boundary came from the Senate passed to be engrossed as amended at A and the same were read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate -
An Order came from the Senate for concurrence appointing Messrs. Keith and Boutelle a Committee with such as the House may join to enquire into the expediency of erecting a Monument over the remains of Enoch Lincoln late Governor of the State of Maine, and the House concurred and Messrs Lowell, Gilchrist and Andrews were joined - sent up -
Remonstrance of Love Joy and others against the Petition of Thomas Haskell and others for a Division of Ellsworth and annexing the same to Surry. - of James McFarland and others against the same were