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226 House of Representatives Monday February 18, 1833 Met according to adjournment The conferees appointed on the part of the House to meet conferees on the part of the Senate on the subject of the disagreement of the two Houses on the Resolves in favor of Elisha Hilton, having attended to that subject - reported to recommend to the House to recede from their former vote and concur with the Senate in the passage of the Resolve - which report was read and accepted. Resolve for the improvement of Colleges was read once and Friday next assigned for a second reading and 300 copies of the Resolve and accompanying Report ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature. Bill to organize, govern and discipline the Militia of this State, was read a third time, amended as on sheets annexed and ordered to be recommitted and Messrs. Staples of Swanville, Weeks of Parsonsfield, Frost of Standish, Estabrook of Camden, Cushman of Bridgton, Sproule of Waldoborough, Walker of Lovel, Spring of Hiram, Gilmore of Newburgh and Huse of Wilton were added to the Committee on the part of the House - sent up for concurrence. Bill relative to barrels and casks containing inspected articles was read a third time and committed to the joint select Committee who have under consideration an Order relating to Lime Casks - sent up for concurrence. Petition of William Goodwin and others for incorporation