Petition of William Hammond and others for a grant to build a Bridge over Piscataqua River, " of Alden Blossom and others to be incorporated into a Boom and Sluiceway Company " of Ira P. Woodbury and others praying that they may be incorporated as a branch of the Back Cove Cumberland and Oxford Canal Company. " of John Battles Jr. for praying for aid to remove obstructions in Kennebec River, between Gardiner and Augusta Bridge.
" of James D. Gilbert and others praying that they may be incorporated into a Company for the purpose of erecting a Bridge across the Androscoggin River; " of Jonathan C. Everett and another praying that they may have liberty to open a canal from Moosehead Lake to the waters communicating with the Wilson Stream. " of Samuel A. Bradley and others praying that they may be authorized to erect a Dam across the east Branch of Kennebec River at or near Moosehead Lake, with the right to take Toll for logs passing through the same. " of Benjamin Fish and another praying that they may be empowered to build a Boom in Penobscot River near the five Islands so called. " of Henry W. Fuller and others for leave to build a Dam across the Kennebec River. " of Joshua Briggs and others praying that they may have an exclusive right, and be incorporated for the purpose of running a horse or steam boat from Robbinston in the County of Washington to Saint Andrews in the Province of New Brunswick " of John Gardner and others praying to be incorporated into a Company by the name of the Hallowell Railway Company. " of Ira Wadleigh and others praying that they