307 Messrs. Dunlap, Hinds, Ingalls, Megquier and Pike - 5. [Bill enacted] The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed, "An Act regulating Banks and Banking" and the same was passed to be enacted. [Resolves finally passed] The same committee reported as correctly engrossed, the following resolves, to wit: "Resolve correcting the State Valuation" "Resolve providing for the payment of Land Agents" "Resolve in favor of Todd and Holden" "Resolve in addition to the report on the Governor's Message of March 25, 1831" and the same were finally passed. [Bills passed to be engrossed] The following Bills from the House were severally read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence, to wit: "An act to incorporate the Ticonic Bank" "An act to incorporate the Bangor Commercial Bank" "An act to incorporate the Maine Bank" "An act to incorporate the Calais Bank" [Order] The following order from the House was read and passed in concurrence, to wit: "ordered that one thousand copies of the Governor's Message of the 25th March 1831 relative to the Northeastern Boundary and the accompanying documents, with the report of the committee thereon, be printed and be distributed by the Secretary of State as follows, viz, one to each member of the legislature and Executive departments of the government of this State and one to the Governors of the several states in the United