310 [Report on an order relating to the sale of foreign lottery tickets] Mr. Hutchings from the select committee to whom was referred an order relating to the sale of foreign lottery tickets, reported that legislation on said subject is inexpedient, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. [Report concerning State lands] Mr. Sweat, from the Committee on State Lands, to whom was referred certain communications from the Governor and sundry other documents in relation to the public lands, made a report recommending a reference of said several subjects to the next Legislature, read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. [Order] Ordered, on motion of Mr. Megquier, that the report and resolutions relative to the North Eastern Boundary, made and accepted the 28th of February last, be printed and distributed in the manner provided by the order of March 31st for the printing and distribution of the Governor's message of the 25th March 1831, the accompanying documents and the report of the committee thereon. Sent down for concurrence. [Bills enacted] The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as correctly engrossed, the following bills, to wit: "An Act to incorporate the Ticonic Bank" "An Act to incorporate the Calais Bank" "An Act to incorporate the Maine Bank" "An Act to incorporate the Bangor Commercial Bank" and the same were severally passed to be enacted. [Resolves finally passed] The same committee reported as correctly engrossed, the following Resolves, to wit: "Resolve for the purchase of stationery"