Evening session. 7 o'clock.
[Resolve respecting the records in the Office of Secy. of State.] "Resolve respecting the records in the Office of the Secretary of State" was read a first and second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Resolve concerning the Massachusetts claim] Resolve providing for the settlement of the Massachusetts claim, was read a first and second time, and passed to be engrossed in concurrence.
[Bills enacted.] The Committee on engrossed Bills, reported as correctly engrossed, the following Bills, to wit: "An Act to continue the Banking Corporations therein named, and for other purposes" "An Act to Incorporate the York Bank" "An Act in addition to an Act regulating Bail in civil actions" and the same were severally passed to be enacted.
[Resolves finally passed.] The same Committee reported as truly engrossed, the following Resolves, to wit: "Resolve confirming the sale of land by Milford P. Norton, to William Emerson, Samuel Thacher, Jr. Dominicus Parker, John Williams, and Ivory Jefferds" "Resolve providing for the appointment of a person to take care of the Military property of the State in Portland" "Resolve establishing a State Valuation March 29, 1831" "Resolve granting one set of Greenleaf's statistical view and Maps of Maine to the Trustees of the Westbrook Seminary" and the same were finally passed.