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XXI competent readily to introduce and diffuse a knowledge of the improved modes and processes of culture, and of the relative value of products which may be adapted to our soil and climate.

    Should the market value of Kemp continue what it has been for several years past, it is believed by many, whose opinions are entitled to great respect, that in connection with improved machinery, now known and used in some of our Sister States, in preparing it for the market, the culture may be  may be introduced in many parts of Maine with a fair prospect of important advantage to the State, It is highly probable that the means of giving a bounty, bearing some proportion in the estimation of competent Judges, to the importance of the advantages to be derived to the State, in case of successful experiment would elicit demonstrative evidence of the value of a product, hitherto unappreciated by the People of Maine. If so happy a result should follow from a competent experiment, it would give an additional value to our numerous Water - falls adapted to give motion to machinery as lumber shall decrease.
  It will be the duty of this Legislature, pursuant to the Constitution, to make provision for a General Valuation and to cause the number of the Inhabitants of the State to be ascertained; and an early attention to this subject is recommended. 
 Our Miltitia system, being a compound result of the authoirty delegated to the General Government, and of duty imposed by the Federal Charter upon the States, can not be entirely dispersed with. And were it within the Sphere of State- power, it requires no stretch of foresight to anticipate the evils which would flow from its dessolution; but still it becomes a duty to inquire, whether the unequal sacrifice of time and money, the effect of the present Laws, relating to ordinary Militia duty, can not be in some degree remedied without essentially and necessarily inpairing that degree of  efficiency, for which the establishment was designed.
   The affairs of the State Prison at Thomaston demand