K. Kendalls' Mills Bridge, Bill to incorporate 202.221.264. Kenduskeag Bank, Bill to increase Capital Stock of 59.100.
Turnpike Company Turnpike Corporation 201.210.
Kennebec Ship Building Company 182.189.241. Kennebunk Port, Resolve in favor of 95.99.131. King, William, Resolve in favor of Knox, Bill to annex part of Montville to 153.161.208. L. Lady's name, Bill to change 297.298.315. Lake, Benjamin R., Resolve in favor of 319. Land in Isle of Holt, Resolve respecting 132.136.179. Land Agent, Report of 67. Land south of the Monument, Resolve for the sale of 268.275. Lands, Bill to regulate the survey of 286.
Public, Resolve authorizing the sale of
Indian, Resolve providing for the distribution of
Resolve add. for the purchase of 218.244. Public, Resolve relating to
Laws, Public, Resolve relating to Lea Meadows Academy & c Leach, Samuel, Resolve for the relief of 207.213.244. Leonard, George, Resolve for the benefit of 194.231. Lexington, Bill to incorporate town of Libel, Bill relating to prosecutions for 272.299. Libbey, Daniel, Resolve in favor of 280.301. Lima and Lime Casks, Inspection of Lincoln, Resolve authorizing the sale of land in the town of 277.317. Lincoln Govr, Resolve for erecting a monument over 295.316. Literary Club, Calais, Act to incorporate 258.299. Littlefield, Elizabeth, Resolve in favor of
Nathaniel S, chosen Secretary 4. Declined 4.
Loan to the State, Resolve authorizing