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61 a Representative from the class composed of the towns of Belgrade and Dearborn, is entitled to a seat in this House - which report was read and accepted, and the Resolve ordered to lie on the table and 300 copies of the Report and Resolve ordered to be printed - and Tuesday next at ten o'clock assigned for the further consideration thereof -

Report of the Joint Select Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Treasurer of State - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred - sent up -

The Committee on Contested Elections to whom was referred the cases of Enoch Farnham and John Wellington, each claiming a seat in this House, made a report and submitted the following Resolve - State of Maine House of Representatives Jany 12. 1833 - Resolved that - - - - - - - - from the District composed of the town of Albion and the territory north of Albion in the county of Kennebec was constitutionally elected a member of this House and that he is entitled is a seat in the same - which report and Resolve were ordered to be recommitted -

Ordered, That the Committee on the Militia be instructed to enquire into the expediency of embodying into one Act, the several existing now in force in this State relating to the Militia - read and passed, sent up for concurrence -

Bill - to alter the time of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Cumberland - was read a third time and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence -