1 State of Maine
Augusta Wednesday, Jany, 1st, 1834
This being the day designated by the Constitution of this State for the meeting of the Legislature, thereof , the following Gentlemen, having been elected by the People, and summoned by the Governor and Council, appeared in the Senate Chamber, to wit;
Messrs. Charles N. Cogswell, Jabez Bradbury, Simeon Pease, First District
Messrs Allen H. Cobb, Asaph Howard, Josiah Pierce, Jonathan Smith, Second District
Messrs. Nathaniel Groton, John Manning, John M. Frye, Seth Labaree Third District
Messrs. Josiah Prescott, Williams Emmons, Enoch Farnham, Fourth District
Messrs. Ebenezer Knowlton, Joseph Williamson, Fifthe District
Mr. Amos Allen Sixth District Mr. Rowland H. Bridgham 7th District
Vacant Eighth District