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149. Report on an Order relative to authorizing Assessors to tax all personal property within their respective towns and plantations, that Legislation on that subject is inexpedient - came from the Senate accepted for concurrence - and the House concurred - sent up.

Report of the Committee on Contested elections on the Remonstrance against the right of Jonathan Cilley hold a seat in this House was read and ordered to be recommitted.

Bill - prescribing the mode of making and repairing Highways - was read once, ordered to to lie on the table and 300 Copies thereof ordered to be printed.

Report on an Order, to enquire if any person holds a seat in this house who has not exhibited the legal evidence of his election was taken up and so much thereof as relates to the right of Elkanah Spear and Henry Wilson recommitted with instructions to report a statement of facts, and power to send for persons and papers - and so much thereof as relates to Rufus Sewall ordered to lie on the table.

On motion of Mr Magoun of Bath - Ordered That Messrs, Magoun, McCrate, and Smith of Westbrook be a Committee with such as the Senate may join to ascertain what public business is necessary to be acted upon at the present session, and when the Legislature may have a recess - Read & passed sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Moses Hanscomb and others praying for pecuniary aid for such person as shall take the Post Office at the Highlands on the Canada Road - was read an referred to Messrs, Spring - Frost and weeks with such as the Senate may join - sent up for concurrence.