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181 House of Representatives Thursday February 7. 1833 Met according to adjournment The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly Engrossed Bill to incorporate the Island wharf - to incorporate the Penobscot Stage Company -additional respecting the Winthrop Bank - to incorporate the Bangor Insurance Company - to regulate the inspection of Beef and Pork- - to annex the town of Corrince to the County of Penobscot -in addition to an Act incorporating the Hallowell House Ferry Company - for the relief of John Wood- - to incorporate the Bangor and Piscatagus Railzaad Company which were severally passed to be enacted sent up

The same Committee reported as duly Engrossed Resolve for the benefit of David Sevey for the benefit of Himan Nye- - for the benefit of Ebenezer Dunlap- - respecting the records of the Commissioners under the Act relating to the Separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts proper and forming the same into an Independent State which were severally finally passed sent up

Report on Petition of Ira Crocker and others - on Petition of Inhabitants of Orland - on Petition of Theodore Lieohu and others - on Petition of Moses Hanscom and others granting on each leave to withdraw came from the Senate accepted for concurrence, and the House concurrence - sent up