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202 Bill to legalize the study of Anatomy in certain cases was read a first and second time as considered in the new draft - amended as on sheets annexed, Thursday next assigned for a third reading and 300 copies thereof ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature.

Resolve in favor of Edward Chase was read a second time and ordered to be recommitted - sent up for concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the town of Lexington was read once and ordered to be recommitted sent up for concurrence.

Resolve in favor of Frederick Spofford and Nathaniel Treat was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended on sheet annexed - sent up for concurrence.

Report and Resolve relating to the right of Jonathan Cilley to hold a seat in this House was taken up and the order assigning Wednesday next for a further consideration thereof discharged, and the House ordered to be recommitted.

Remonstrance of Amos Patten and others came from the Senate for concurrence, referred to the Committee on Turnpikes, Bridges and Canals, and the House concurred, sent up.

Report of the Committee on Contested Elections in case of Henry Wilson- that he was legally and constitutionally elected, and is entitled to a seat in this House, was read and accepted.