33. On Agriculture Messrs. McIntire, Manter, Farnham of the Senate. Messrs. Hammond of Elliot, Dam " Newfield, Webster " Lincoln, Smart " Troy, Gallison " Harrington, Hathaway " Paris, Cousins "Lyman
On Manufactures Messrs. Smith, Barnard, McIntire of the Senate Messrs. Foster " Pembroke, Call " Bangor, Hobson " Hollis, Tibbetts " Lisbon, Woodbury " Minot, Maxwell " Poland, Wasson " Brooksville of the House.
On Accounts Messrs. Clark, McLellan, Green of Somerset of the Senate Messrs. Mildrum of Wells, Mowry " Lubec, Abbot " Vassalboro, Buzzell " Cape Elizabeth, Steward " Anson, Doyle " Hodgdon, Lermond " Hope
On Parishes Messrs. Allen, Emmons, Latham of the Senate Messrs. Hobbs, of Waterboro, Scammon " Pittston, White " Georgetown, Hutchings " Atkinson, Russell " Brighton, Stewart " Berwick, Norcross " Chesterville