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In Secret Session

Friday February 24, 1832

The oath of secrecy was administered to the Doorkeeper and Assistant Clerk by the speaker.

Message from the Governor Confidential

To the Senate and House of Representatives I herewith communicate confidentially for the consideration of the Legislature, copies of the two letters from Mr Preble the Agent of this State at Washington, in relation to the question respecting our Northeastern Boundary, now pending before the government of the United States, By these letters I am informed that it is expected the award and recommendation of the Arbiter will eventually be adopted by the General Government, and that is had been proposed the Maine should cede to the United States her claim to the territory which lies northward and Eastward of the line recommended by the arbiter, for an Ample indemnity, in order that the General Government may be enabled to make such an arrangement with Great Britain as shall comport with the interest and honor of the United States.

 The Expediency of authorizing the Agent of this State at Washington to make an arrangement with the General Government for the purposes contemplated, is now respectfully submitted to your consideration.
 The decided and unanimous opinion of our Agent and the United States Delegation of this State in Congress cannot fail to be received with great deference, and under existing circumstances, it is believed that an arrangement of the kind proposed will not, in any respect compromit the honor of the State, or operate injudiciously to her interest, In a pecuniary point of view, she will be