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238 House of Representatives Wednesday February 20, 1833

Met according to adjournment

Mr. Noyes of Eastport has leave of absence after this day.

On motion of Mr. Chase of Calais, Ordered that George Laucey be allowed for his travel and attendance as a member of this House till it was decided he was not entitled to his seat by the House read and passed.

On motion of Mr. Paris of Buckfield, Ordered that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so far altering the law as to require of School Agents in each town to return the whole number of Scholars in their Districts to the Assessors of their town annually and impose a penalty for neglect - read and passed. sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Wilson of Deer Isle, Ordered, that the Committee on Interior Fisheries be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing an Act passed March 1821 regulating the Herring Fishery - read and passed, sent up for concurrence.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills reported as duly Engrossed Bill authorizing the first parish in Winthrop and the town of Winthrop to appropriate the income of certain Ministerial funds for the support of schools - which was passed to be enacted - sent up.