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Resolve appropriating proceeds of certain State Lands for the Support of Schools, came from the House, the House adhering to their vote passing this Resolve to be engrossed, and the Senate adhere to their former vote indefinitely postponing the same

Resolve in favor of George Sawtelle.

Bill relative to certain powers and duties of County Commissioners; severally came from the House amended. The Senate recede from the former votes whereby they passed the same to be engrossed, adopt the amendments proposed by the House and pass the same to be engrossed as so amended in concurrence.

Resolve in favor of John Cottle; came from the House indefinitely postponed, for concurrence. The Senate recede from the vote whereby they passed said Resolve to be engrossed, and indefinitely postpone the same in concurrence.

Bill to repeal an Act to prevent frauds in the Inspection of Fish. Read twice and indefinitely postponed in concurrence.

Bill additional respecting Innholders Retailers and Victuallers, came from the House nonconcurred and indefinitely postponed. The Senate recede from the vote whereby they passed said Bill to be engrossed amend as on Sheet annexed marked A, and pass the same to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence.