267 Afternoon
Met according to adjournment
Mr Manchester of Mt Desert has leave of absence after Tuesday next, and Mr Comstock of Summer after Wednesday next each during the remainder of the Session
Bill providing for the choice of Representatives to Congress, came from the Senate for concurrence, they having amended the new draft as adopted by the House and the House the amendments of the Senate and pass the Bill to be engrossed as thus amended in concurrence sent up
Resolve for locating and making a Road over lands belonging to the State, connecting the Baring & Houlton Road with the United States Military Road - came from the Senate, they having nonconcurred the House in their vote recommitting the Resolve with instructions - The House refuse to recede from their former vote recommitting the same - and the question on so receding was taken by Yeas and Nays and decided in negative Yeas 61 Nays 70 ( see Appendix page) and the House insist on their former vote recommitting the same. propose a conference and appoint as conferees on their part Messrs Emmons, Hanniford and chase of Calais - sent up for concurrence
Petition of George Sawtell for a continuation of his pension came from the Senate referred to the Committee on Military pensions for concurrence- and the House concurred - sent up
Resolve proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the