271 Bill additional regulating costs - was referred to the next Legislature in concurrence with the Senate - sent up
Resolve in favor of Waterville College- - for the benefit of the Maim Wesleyan Seminary - came from the Senate they nonconcurring the House in the indefinite postponement of the Resolve and pass the same to be engrossed as amended - The House adhere to their former vote indefinitely postponing the Resolves - sent up
Bill to annex a part of the town of Cornville to the town of Milburn, was read a first and second time and ordered to lie or the table
Resolve relative to the Public Lands - came from the Senate - they having nonconcurred the House in postponing the Resolve indefinitely amend the same and pass it to be engrossed as thus amended The House recede from their vote whereby they indefinitely postponed the Resolve and pass the same to be engrossed as as amended in concurrence with the Senate but on motion the House reconsider their vote just past and and again indefinitely postpone the Resolve - and the question on so postponing was taken by Yeas and Nays and decided in the affirmative Yeas 81 Nays 43. ( See Appendix page) sent up for concurrence
And the House adjourned
Attest Asaph R Nichols Clerk