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248 Friday March 6 1835

Met according to adjournment.

The committee on engrossed Bills reported as truly engrossed Bill An act to incorporate the Orono Company An Act to annex the town of Litchfield to the County of Kennebec An Act authorizing Judges of Probate in certain cases to grant license to husbands to make sale of Real Estate held in right of their wives - An Act additional to the several Acts for the better regulation and management of the Penobscot Tribe of Indians - An additional Act respecting Parishes - - An Act to incorporate the Hancock Mutual Fire Insurance Company which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

The same committee reported as truly engrossed. Resolve respecting a Rail Road from Quebec which was finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion by Mr Holmes of Alfred.

 Ordered, That the Messenger be directed to remove the screen behind the seats.

Bill An Act to incorporate the Maine Stock and Pattern Farm Company, was read 1st and 2nd time and Thursday next at 10 oclock assigned for a 3rd reading and 1000 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the members.

Bill AN Act additional to "an act regulating Judicial Process and Proceedings. laid on the table