291 Resolve, was read once and the House concurred and joined Messrs. McCrate, Emmons, Paris, Bartlett of Orono and Small of Limington - sent up.
Report on petition of James Blake and others - that Legislation on that subject is inexpedient - was read and accepted.
Resolve - in favor of Samuel W. McMahan laid on the table by Mr. Campbell of Argyle . - for printing and distributing the Militia Laws, laid on the table by Mr. Webster of Belfast - in favor of Obed Wilson, member of this House laid on the table by Mr. Woodman of Buxton were finally read twice and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Daniel Libby was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Resolve - in favor of Daniel Savage and others was read a second time and passed to be engrossed - sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Alvan Bickford was read a second time and passed to be engrossed, as amended on sheet annexed. Sent up for concurrence.
Resolve in favor of George Sawtell, was read a second time and passed to be engrossed as amended in concurrence with the Senate - sent up.
Resolve appropriating proceeds of certain State lands for the support of schools came from the Senate, they having nonconcurred the House in the passage of the Resolve and indefinitely postponed the same. The House adhere to their former vote passing the Resolve to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.