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295 to be engrossed, adopt the amendments of the Senate and refer the same to the next Legislature - sent up for concurrence.

Report of Committee on the Judiciary, they asking to be discharged from the consideration of the several subjects referred to them, and on which they have not heretofore reported came from the Senate accepted for concurrence and the House concurred - sent up.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly engrossed Bill to incorporate the Freemans Bank - additional to incorporate the Penobscot Mill Dam Company - to prevent the disturbance of the Judicial Courts - to incorporate the First Unitarian Society of the Town of Calais - to apportion and assess on the Inhabitants of this State, a tax of fifty Thousand, Four hundred, ten dollars, Eighty eight cents which were finally passed, to be enacted. Sent up.

The same Committee report as duly engrossed Resolve providing compensation to chaplains of the Legislature - for the Improvement of Colleges in Maine - for the removal of a Gun House in Hallowell - additional providing for the appointment of a person to take care of the Military Property of the State in Portland which were severally finally passed. Sent up.

Bill additional regulating elections, laid on the table by Mr. Jewett of Portland (was read a first and second time and tomorrow at ten o'clock assigned for a third reading).