was lain upon the table.
The petition of Elisha Hilton for pay for services on the Canada Road was read once and referred to the joint standing committee on State Roads, in concurrence.
The petition of William Hilton junr for an allowance for money paid for the expense of a lawsuit decided against him, was read and referred to the joint standing committee on the judiciary, in concurrence.
The petition Jonathan Merry for a horse ferry across Sheepscot river, was read and referred to the joint standing committee on Turnpikes, Bridges, and Canals, in concurrence.
The petition of Cornelius Thompson, to be annexed to Lisbon, was read and referred to the joint standing committee on the division of towns, in concurrence.
The petition of Joseph D. Emery for an allowance of claims on account of Public Buildings, was read and referred to the joint standing committee on claims, in concurrence.
Order from the House of Representatives, instructing the committee on the judiciary to enquire into the expediency of so altering the law which requires towns to tax all property owned on the first day of May, that all property