tages which are opened to them by it. The want of settlements upon parts of this road retards some what its general usefulness. This consideration, in connexion with the interest which the State still retains in an extensive tract of land through which it papers may properly suggest the policy of affording, for a limited period, new encouragements to settlers upon this road. By a Resolve of the last Legislature the State agreed to assume the repair and preservation of the Mars Hill road, from its commencement in Lincoln in the County of Penobscot, to its termination in Houlton, in the County of Washington, provided it should be first put in a state of repair by the United States. In the month of September last, I was advised by the acting quartermaster of the army of the United States that the road was then in the repair contemplated by the Resolve, and ready to be surrendered to the case of the State Government. An agent was there upon appointed to report upon the condition of the road as thus offered. A report favorable to the acceptance of the road, has been made by him, and a copy of the same is herewith transmitted.