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312 Ordered, that when this House adjourn, it adjourn until Monday morning next at 1/2 past six o'clock.

Resolve relative to a Lottery heretofore granted to encourage Steam navigation in this State, was read a third time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate, sent up.

The Committee on Engrossed Bills report as duly engrossed Bill to change the name of Salvina Pease - additional to organize, govern and discipline the Militia of this State which were finally passed to be enacted - sent up.

The same Committee report as duly re-engrossed Bill relative to the Inspection of Lime and of Barrels and Casks which was passed to be enacted - sent up.

The same Committee report as duly engrossed Resolve in favor of Abraham Osgood - in favor of Daniel Savage and others - for printing and distributing the Militia Laws - authorizing the sale of Land in the Town of Lincoln - for the Benefit of Asa Redington Junr. which were severally finally passed - sent up.

Resolve on the Pay Roll of the Senate was read twice and passed to be engrossed in concurrence with the Senate - sent up

Bill additional regulating Elections came from the Senate they having amended the Bill and passed the same to be engrossed as thus amended. The House receded from their former vote, so far as to adopt the amendment of the Senate and passed the same to be engrossed as thus amended - sent up.

Bill to empower the Town of Augusta, to raise money for