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315 The same Committee report as duly Engrossed. Resolve in Favor of Theodore Bruce. - in favor of William P Preble - on the Pay roll of the Senate - for the payment of Accents against the State - in addition to a Resolve respecting the Territory lying North and East of the River St Lukus and St Francis, approved the third day of March Eighteen hundred and Thirty two - for laying out a road connecting the Buring and Houlton Roads with the United States Military road - in favor of the commissioners of Public buildiings - on the Pay roll of the House - relation to a Lottery heretofore granted for the Encouragement of Steam Navigation in this State. which were severally finally passed sent up

Mr Javis[?] Ellsworths laid on the Clerks Desk, the following Resolutions which were read by th Clerk and passed unanimously. Resolved thus the [?] of this House be presented to Nathan Clifford Esqre., for his very able and satisfactory discharge of the arduous duties of the Chair, during the present session and as we are about separating to return to our respective constituents, having accomplished the objects for which we assembled, we now tender him our most sincere wishes for his health and Prosperity.

When the Speaker answered as follows.

I feel with deep and grateful emotions the honor conferred upon me by the resolution just Pasd, approving of the manner in which the services of the Chair have been performed during the present session. It has been my constant endeavour to merit