On motion of Mr. Groton, the Senate reconsider the vote whereby they passed to be engrossed Bill additional to incorporate the Canal Bank. The Senate amend said Bill and pass the same to be engrossed as amended, of which the House was informed by message, requesting their concurrence.
Mr. Emmons from the Committee on the Judiciary to which was referred the order instructing them to enquire into the expediency of altering the law for the punishment of persons guilty of cutting away Booms and Rafts, reported a Bill which report was read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Petition of John Alexander and others to be incorporated into a Company by the name of the Harpswell Soap Stone Company, " of Nathan Dyer and others to be incorporated into a Company by the name of the Cumberland Marine Railway, severally read and referred to the Committee on Manufactures. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Order from the House instructing the Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions to require of every Literary Institution, requesting aid of this Legislature to render to that Committee an account of their present state of funds and the manner of instrument, the amount of all donations from the State and the manner in which they have been expended, to report the same to this Legislature, that they may be better enabled to decide upon the merits of their claims, read and passed in concurrence.
M. Pease from the Committee on Division of Towns, reported order of notice on petition of Samuel Andrews and others, read and accepted.