Bill to incorporate the Orono Bridge was taken up and passed to be engrossed as amended, in concurrence.
Resolve in aid of a road in Penobscot county came up. The House refusing said Resolve a passage. The Senate recede from their vote passing said Resolve to be engrossed and concur the House in refusing the same a passage.
Resolve in favour of William W. Quimby, as reported by the committee on Military Pensions, to which the same was recommitted, was passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve extending the time for making a highway in Waldo county was read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence.
Resolve in favour of Samuel Seavey and Thomas Trundy came up from the House. The House adhering to their vote indefinitely postponing said Resolve and proposing a Conference, and appointing Messrs. Williams, Clark, and Smith House. The Senate concur the House in their proposition for a conference, and appoint as condeferees on their part Messrs. Groton, Porter, and Gibson.
The select committee, to which was referred Bill to incorporate the Sugar Island Side Boom Corporation, reported the same