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Also an Act approved March 31. 1831, entitled an additional act regulating elections, with leave to report by Bill or otherwise; read and passed, and Messrs. Chandler and Frye are joined in concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Pierce, the Senate reconsider their vote whereby they accepted the report of the Committee on Banks and Banking, giving leave to withdraw on petition of William D. Williamson and others and refer the same to the next Legislature. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Petition of Stephen Emerson for compensation for making road over land of Massachusetts; read & referred to the Committee on State Roads. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Mr. Tobin gave notice that he should tomorrow at ten o'clock move the reconsideration of the vote whereby the Senate refused a passage to a Bill to establish the compensation of Clerks of Courts and giving further remedies on Clerks bonds.

Bill additional to establish the Damariscotta Canal came up form the House. The Senate recede from their vote passing said Bill to be engrossed as amended and pass the same to be engrossed without amendment in concurrence with the House.

Bill to authorize certain persons to build a Bridge across Kenduskeag Stream in the town of Bangor in the County of Penobscot, came up from the House passed to be engrossed as taken in a new draft. The Senate recede from their vote passing said Bill to be engrossed, adopt the new draft, and pass the same to be engrossed in concurrence with the House.