On motion of Mr Cobb, Ordered, that the Secretary of State be directed to notify the Governor, that Ezekiel Foster has been elected, by the concurrent vote of both Branches of the Legislature. Major General of the Seventh Division of the Militia of this State. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
The Senate reconsider their vote accepting the report of the Committee on Division of Towns, in ordering notice to the next Legislature, use [?] petition of Moses E. Wescott and others, and recommit the same; of which the House was informed by message, and their concurrence requested. Concurred.
The Committee on Engrossed Bills, reported as correctly engrossed, Resolve in favor of Zadoch Bishop and others, & the same was finally passed
The same committee reported as correctly engrossed. Bill for the benefit of the town of Bluehill, " to incorporate the Belfast Fishing Company " to annex Township No. 19 to the town of Columbia, " to establish the Reed School Fund, " additional to increase the Salary of the Register of Probate in the County of Somerset, and the same were severally passed to be enacted.
Mr Pierce from the Conferees on the part of the Senate, on the Bill to annex part of the town of Hallowell to the town of Gardiner, made a report that the Conferee on the part of the Senate having met the Conferees on the part of the House, and propose that the amendment added by the House to the Bill on Sheet marked D.