Mr. Farnham from the Committee on Agriculture, to which was referred the petition of the Massachusetts Society, made a report asking to be discharged from the further consideration thereof, and that said petition be referred to the Committee on State Lands. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.
Agreeably to assignment, the Senate proceeded to the choice of Major General for the Sixth Division of the Militia of this State, and Messrs. Tobin, Porter, and Frye were appointed a Committee to receive, sort and count the votes; who having attended to the duties assigned them, reported that the whole number of vote given in is 16 Necessary to constitute an election 9 Alvan Bolster has 14 Philo Clark " 1 and one blank. Whereupon Alvan Bolster, was declared duly elected Major General of the Sixth Division of the Militia of this State, in concurrence, of which the House was informed by message.
Resolve, laid upon the table by Mr. Chandler, in favor of Ichabod Bucknam, was read and referred to the Committee on Claims. Sent down for concurrence.
Bill additional giving further remedies in case of wilful trespass, reported by Mr. Groton from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred an order relative to trespass, was read once, and on motion of Mr. Smith, ordered to lie on the table.
Bill to incorporate the Kennebec Dam Company (reported by Mr Prescott from the Joint Select Committee, on petition of Greenlief White and others