Tuesday March 24 1835
Met according to adjournment.
The committee on engrossed Bills, reported as truly engrossed Bill - An additional Act establishing the municipal Court in the town of Portland - - An Act to incorporate the owners of meeting houses and for other purposes - - An Act respecting Cities - - An Act concerning Mortgages and pledges of personal property, and property subject to any lien created by laws - -An Act in addition to an act to regulate the survey of Lumber in the County of of Penobscot - -An Act to incorporate the Waterwille and Fairfield Rail Way Company - -An additional Resolve relating to the Blind - -An Act to incorporate the Brunswick Rail Road Company - -An additional act regulating Elections - -An act authorizing the town of Bath, to take stock in the merry meeting Bridge -An act for the relief of Poor Debtors - -An additional regulating Elections. -An Act to incorporate the Fryeburg Tomb Corporation -An Act additional to promote the sale & settlement of the Public Land -An Act for the preservation of Salmon Shad &c Alewives Fisheries, in Penobscot Bay & RIver, and their tributary waters - which were severally passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.