Monday, February 24, 1834.
Petition of John Agry and others for a division of the town of Hallowell, and that all of said town lying west of Kennebec River be incorporated into a town by the name of of Hallowell Port, - read and referred to the Committee on Incorporation of Towns in concurrence.
Petition of John A. Hyde and others for a repeal of the License Laws, - read and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, in concurrence.
Bill to incorporate the Proprietors of the Moosehead Dam Company came up from the House amended and recommitted. The Senate reconsider their vote passing said Bill to be engrossed, adopt the amendment proposed by the House and recommit the same in concurrence.
The Committee on Military Pensions reported leave to withdraw on petition of Calvin D. Wheeler, - read and accepted, in concurrence.
The Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred an order relative to the expediency of repealing an Act defining the powers of the Judicial Courts in granting reviews, reported that legislation on that subject is unnecessary, - read and accepted in concurrence.
Resolve in favor of Stephen Emerson, reported by Mr Bradbury, from the Committee on State Roads, to which said Resolve had been recommitted was amended and passed to be engrossed as amended. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.