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46. seats therein. The Committee further report that no person appears to have been constitutionally elected from the Representatives class composed of Eden and Trenton in the County of Hancock. From the Certificates referred to your Committee, from said class it appears that at the first trial on the second Monday of September last no person had a majority of the votes given in. At the second trial being on the fifth day of October it appears by the certificates returned in due form from said towns that the whole number of votes given in, in those towns were 152 of which are returned for John M Noyes 76 and for all other persons voted for 76. Your Committee are therefore of opinion that no choice was effected on the second trial. On the third trial it appears by a certificate in due form from the town of Eden that the whole number of votes given in, in that town were seventeen of which number eleven are returned for William Haynes being a majority of the votes given in, in said town of Eden - but their being no returns of votes from the town of Trenton on the third trial your Committee are unanimously of opinion that no person has furnished legal evidence of having been constitutionally elected a Representative from said Class, and have directed me to report the following order. Ordered, That William Haynes & John M Noyes holding seats in this House from the Representative class composed of the towns of Eden & Trenton in the County of Hancock be suspended from their seats till otherwise ordered - Read, report accepted and order passed.

And the House adjourned.

Attest James L. Child Clerk