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47 Thursday January 15th 1835

Met according to adjournment

A motion by Mr Holmes of Alfred, was made as follows

 Ordered, That the committee on Finance be instructed to report an Appropriation Bill, Specifying as near as may be, the different items of expenditure, and satifying them in such order as in proper and usual in such cases - and that they further report to this House the ways and means by which the Government shall be supported for the ensuing political year - and on motion by Mr Lowell of East Machias the same was ordered to lie on the table

On motion by Mr Woodman of Buxton,

 Ordered, that tomorrow at eleven oclock be the time assigned, for the purpose of choosing a Senator in the United States Congress, occasioned by the resignation of the Hon Peleg Spraugue, and also to choose a Senator for the full term from the 4th of March next

On motion by Mr Potter of Augusta

  Ordered, that the Committee on the Judiciary be required to enquire into the expedient of so amending the act convening Foreign Attachment as that Trustees to whom property is pledged, on who may have aby lien upon such, either by pledge, mortgage, or otherwise without the right of selling it may be charged therefor.

On motion by Mr Phelps of Fairfield

 Ordered, that the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire whether the Managers of the Lottery granted by an act entitled "An act granting a Lottery to encourage go Steam Navigation in this State"