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Resolve authorizing the Governor to obtain the consent of Congress to lay out a road across the arsenal lot was read a second time & passed to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion by Mr Higgins of Exeter Ordered, that the committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of modifying the oath required of poor debtors in an act entitled an act for the relief of poor debtors passed March 24 1835. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of John Harford of Madawaska for remuneration " - Phinehas R Hartford for same came from the Senate referred to the Committee on claims for concurrence - and the House concurred.

Leave to withdraw on the report on the petition of James Gilmore & others was granted in concurrence with the Senate

Bill prescribing the mode of making repairing Public Highways laid on the table by Mr Wilson of Bingham was read 1st & 2d times & ordered to lie on the table until Monday next and 400 copies thereof printed for the use of the House

Bill - An Act to Incorporate Bethel Academy reported by the Committee on Literature &c was read once & tomorrow at 10 oclock assigned for a second reading.

Petition of William Clark & others to be incorporated for the purpose of quarrying granite was read & referred tot he Committee on Manufactures. Sent up for concurrence.