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332 Resolve in favor of the Trustees of the Titcomb Belgrade Academy was read once and indefinitely postponed, in concurrence.

Bill making appropriations, in part, for the support of Government, for the year 1834, and for other purposes, Bill additional to the several Acts incorporating the City of Portland to incorporate the Eastern Branch Mill Dam Company to provide for the use of Broad Rimmed Wheels in the town of Ellsworth, (as amended) to incorporate the Wiscasset Benevolent Society, (as amended) to incorporate the Portland Band, to prevent the destruction of Pickerel, severally read a second time and passed to be engrossed in concurrence

Bill additional to incorporate the City of Bangor (laid on the table by Mr Rogers)

 Bill to apportion and assess on the inhabitants of this State a tax of Fifty Thousand, Four Hundred, Ten Dollars, Eighty Eight Cents,
 Resolve in favor of Sewall Watson, severally read once and tomorrow at ten oclock assigned for a second reading

Bill to establish a Municipal Court in the town of Bath was read a second time and passed to be engrossed. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred

Bill additional respecting the collection of taxes on unimproved lands, not taxable by the assessors of any town or plantation came up. The Senate nonconcur the House in passing said Bill to be engrossed and indefinitely