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335 not less than one, nor more than three weeks, and shall forthwith issue his venire directed to the select men of his town requiring them to cause to be drawn from the Jury Box of their town, three or five good men as Jurors, who shall be notified and warned to attend said Court at the time stated, for the purpose of trying the issue on said action before said Justice; and for each issue so tried said Jurors shall severally receive the sum of One Dollar, to be paid in advance by the party desiring said Jury; and in all other respects the same proceedings shall be had in said Court as is had in other Courts of law in regard to Jurors; and provided that when said Jurors failed to attend said trial agreeably to the provisions of this Act, then said Justice shall fill the panel to the number of five by tailsmen" And the question of adopting said amendment was decided in the negative by yeas and nays as follows, to wit; Yeas Messrs Bridgeham, Brown, Cogswell, Emmons, Farnham, Groton, Porter, Smith, and Williamson 9 Nays Messrs, Allen, Cobb, Frye, Howard, Kelsey, Knowlton, Labarce, Manning, Prescott, Rogers, and Tobin -11 Said Bill was amended And Mr Rogers moved to refer the same to next Legislature And the question of referring, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays, was decided in the negative as follows, to wit; Yeas. Mr Bradbury, Brown, Cogswell, Chandler Emmons, Farnham, Groton, Porter and Williamson 9 Nays, Messrs, Allen, Bridgeham, Cobb, Frye, Howard, Kelsey, Knowlton, Labarce, Manning, Prescott Smith and Tobin - 12 And said Bill, a motion of Mr Labarce, was ordered to lie on the table for further consideration tomorrow at ten oclock