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240 up for concurrence

 The same Committee reported as truly engrossed Resolves authorizing the County Commissioners for the County of Washington to locate a County road over land belonging to the State

- in favor of Patricktown Plantation which were severally finally passed. Sent up for concurrence.

The House again resolved itself into a Committee of the whole House on the Bill entitled An Act to regulate Banks and others corporations and to prohibit the emission and circulation of certain Bank Bills or Notes, Mr McIntire of parsonsfield, in the chair and having continued some time therein, and an amendment having been proposed by Mr Perkins of Kennebunkport, the Committee rose and reported the Bill and the proposed amendment to the House - and then on motion of Mr Humprhey of Gray the whole subject was referred to a committee of the House to consist of one from each County

Petitions of William Delesdernier and others for a Canal from the village in Calais to Bog Brook - of John Foster and others for a Canal which were severally read and referred to the Committee or Rail Road and Canals. Sent up for concurrence.

Petitions of William H Morse and others for a sluice from Molechunkamunk Lake to Black Brook - of Alexander Campbell and others to be incorporated by the name of the Narraguagus Tide Water Company - Remonstrance of the inhabitants of Rumford agst the proposed dam across Androscoggin River