for each others future welfare, will cease only with life to be subjects of pleasing reflections --- Selected from different parts of the State, vested with equal powers: acting in a common cause as we have been, the presumption must be, that the chief object of our inquiries and decisions has been to promote the general interests of the whole State. We will cherish the hope, that not only our constituents, but also those who may hereafter direct an eye of retrospection to the official acts of this Bound, will have the pleasure to perceive, by the results, ample verification of the presumption. The kind and generous spirit, which the occasion can not fail to inspire, will banish, from our minds into utter oblivion, every image of aught in matter or manner, that may have occurred in the order of debate or in the moment of decision, to wound our feelings; and will excite in our breasts mutual wishes, that we may severally return in peace and safety to our respective homes, and enjoy the indescribable caresses and endearments of domestic life, the respect and confidence of the community, the approbation of conscience, the smiles of Heaven and the blessings of Eternity. In contemplating our Legislative proceedings, our attention is naturally directed to the prominent person who has presided over our deliberations, and we feel great satisfaction in embracing this opportunity of expressing the deep sense we entertain of the kindness, courtesy and impartiality, which he has uniformly manifested towards every member of this Board. As an appropriate testimonial of our approbation of the manner in which the duties of the Chair have been performed I beg leave, in behalf of the Senate to offer the following Resolution:
Resolved, That the thanks of the Senate be presented to the Hon. Joseph Williamson as manifestation of their deep sense of the kind, courteous and impartial manner in which he has discharged the duties of