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87 on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.

Remonstrance of Levi Dickerson & others against the petition of Benjamin Holbrook & others, was read & referred to the Committee on Division of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Mercy B. Griffith

- of Benjamin Branscomb
- of William Richardson 

for leave to change their names were severally read & referred to the Committee on change of names.

Mr. Brooks of Portland, laid upon the table on leave obtained for the purpose, Resolve, relating to a Rail Road from Portland to Quebec which was read and assigned for consideration at 10 o'clock on Tuesday next.

The House resumed the further consideration of the orders moved on the 12th inst by Mr. Holmes of Alfred requesting information from the Governor in relation to the North Eastern Boundary - the question before the House, being on the adoption of the amendment to said orders moved on the 22nd inst by Mr. Jarvis of Ellsworth - and after considering the same, the subject was laid upon the table before the question upon the adoption of said amendment was taken.

The Committee on Engrossed BIlls reported as truly engrossed Bill - entitled an act authorizing the United States of America to take and hold lands within this State for the purpose of erecting Light-Houses thereon. which was passed to be enacted. Sent up for concurrence.

On motion of Mr. Shaw of Wiscasset Ordered